From Diagnosis to Intervention to Education to Job Placement
A Learning Place for All
​Contact Us: +6011 1133 8518
Email: info@hatchingcenter.org

Remote Intervention Program
The very first comprehensive Remote Intervention in Asia countries! Do not worry if you are staying far away from our physical centre! As long you have a good internet connection, we promise to deliver a complete set of professional intervention plan and service to you. We also promised to empower and coach parents to facilitate the child in daily interaction with others peer and sibling.

Teletherapy for Speech Therapy
"Everyone deserve a voice"
Distance should not be the reason to hinder children from the intervention they deserve, with the help of technology, our teletherapy for speech therapy is conducted in a form of direct intervention and also parents coaching, not only allow parents to have direct update from Speech Therapist but also enable 100% parents participation during the intervention process.

Teletherapy for Occupational Therapy
"Medicine adds days to life
Occupational Therapy adds life to days"
With live teaching and online coaching, our occupational therapy aim to help children to integrate their skills set in daily routine, with parents participation and involvement, we can create a holistic working relationship to make intervention work.

Parent Implemented Program
"We are the right person for our own child."
A full set of 3 months Early Intervention Program, design by Child/Clinical Psychologist, Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist. The aim of this program is to coach parents to be their child very own Interventionist. From training to execution, we promise to hold your hands and walk along with you.
Click here for more information, or contact us directly!

Teletherapy for Physiotherapy
"A Physiothrapist has the brain of a scienctist, the heart of a humanist, and the hands of an artist"
Other than locomotor activities, you would be surprise how Paediatric Physiotherapy affect children overall development. Our Physiotherapy help children to achieve their optimal physical development, and also to work closely with Speech Therapist and other professional and make indirect impact on their milestone.